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Synaptic Overload


An anthology of dark fantasy, science fiction, and supernatural thriller.


Ghosts, dinosaurs, science gone wrong, disturbing futures

and more.


“…unique perspectives and wonderful and horrible possibilities. Definitely take this one on vacation for reading around the campfire.” –Sandy Penny


“Terrific read. The horror pieces, while not usually my cup of tea, were clever and spooky. The science fiction stories, which were the reason I bought the anthology, were also clever and well-written.”- Steve M. Fye


“I missed Rod Sterling terribly, not anymore! I think he has been reborn in this author. Fabulous insight and intriguing ideas that keep you reading. I am usually annoyed with guessing the ending of stories about the time I am at the third paragraph.....I am definitely NOT annoyed. Surprising endings.”- Teri Anderson


“Short and sweet, with an ending I didn’t expect. I’ll be on the lookout for more from this author.” – Lia Cole


“Master of the surprise ending. Don’t quit reading until the end.”


“R.W. Van Sant has a very unique outlook and writing style. I recommend this book for its great imaginative storytelling.”- Kathleen




Ten dark, thought-provoking short stories that will thrill

and intrigue you:



A group of strangers have only one thing in common: they have all been haunted by the same specter since the day they were born.​

Wormholes create doorways in time that allow the world to view the day dinosaurs became extinct, but don't doors work both ways?


A breakthrough in viral science promises dramatic fat reduction while you sleep, but will humanity survive once the virus mutates.


A murderer awaiting sentencing receives nightly visitations.


Paranormal reality television shows send teams out to look for ghosts and run into something even more unexpected.



. . . and more!

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